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In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness - Mahatma Gandhi
Silence is one of the best ways to immediately reduce stress while increasing self-awareness and gaining clarity that will allow you to maintain your focus on your goals, priorities, and what's most important for your life.
Meditate, reflect, pray, breathe deeply and show gratitude. Keep your mind still.
It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen - Muhammad Ali
Your self-talk has a dramatic influence on your level of success in every aspect of your life. Your affirmations are either working for or against you, depending on how you are using them. Think and speak positive.
Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible - Cherie Carter-Scott
Most people are limited by visions of their past, replaying previous failure and heartbreaks. Design creative visions ensuring that the greatest focus is your future - a compelling, exciting, and limitless future.
If you don't make time for exercise, you'll probably have to make time for illness - Robin Sharma
It's no news to anybody that if you want to maintain good health and increase your energy, you should exercise consistently, however, it's a lot easier to make up excuses, the most popular ones being 'I am too tired' or 'I don't have time'. There is no limit to the excuses that you can think of. The more creative you are the more excuses you can come up with, right?
The truth is that your comfort zone will always be more comfortable than any pain that a workout can generate, so you decide to stagnate and make no difference. Why become the best version of yourself when you can just be mediocre like the majority and not stand out?
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read - Mark Twain
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul. We become the books we read - Matthew Kelly
If you quantify it, reading just ten pages a day will average 3650 pages a year, which equates to appropriately eighteen 200-page books. Let me ask you, if you read 18 personal development books in the next 12 months, do you think you will be more knowledgeable, capable and confident - a new and improved you?
Whatever it is that you write, putting words on the page is a form of therapy that doesn't cost a dime - Diana Raad
Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly - Rolf Smith
Writing your thoughts and ideas on the paper will help you keep track of yourself at a different level. They will be liberated from your mind which will have more energy to create new ones. Rereading your journals will help you analyse yourself; this way, you can spot improvement areas.
Pouring your heart out on the paper will also help you heal that wound much easier as your journal is your safe space where you can write down all the unspoken thoughts you had and didn't dare to let out. Writing them down will help only release the tension from your body and you will feel much lighter.
Hello, my lovelies and welcome to your first 'inspirational box'😊I have created this space so I can share with you all the interesting things going through my mind or happening in my life that can be beneficial to you and help you elevate your days.
My mother said something today which made me think about life from a different angle 'You can't have everything in life'. That made me ask myself 'How many people out there tell themselves that they cannot have everything in life and that this is okay? How many people think that this is a normality and that life is built this way?' You cannot have a job that fulfils you, find the love of your life, have a healthy relationship, a healthy home, a healthy body, etc all at the same time.
Then everything brought me back to the power of the human mind and the law of attraction. If we keep telling ourselves that we cannot have everything in life and this is the statement that we strongly believe in, aren't we settling for less than what we could actually achieve?
There are no limits in our lives other than the ones we create, so limiting ourselves to the belief that we cannot have everything we wish will become our reality. However, there is also the other option that we forget to consider. What if we could have everything we wanted and be the person we've always dreamed of being?
Now, close your eyes and imagine your best version of yourself. How does that make you feel? Now take this feeling and immerse yourself into that world. Take a day and feel, think, act and dress like that person and if that feels just amazing, say goodbye to your old version and keep being the best you can be, bit by bit, every day.
I will keep you updated on this page with more and more useful tips on how to elevate your daily life so keep an eye on it!