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The Tarot Card for January is the Star. This is also referred to as The Hope as well as The Celestial Mandate. It is associated with the planet Uranus, the element of Air, and the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
From an astrological perspective, this is associated with the constellation of Andromeda.
The Star represents hope, spiritual insight, liberation, and inspiration as well as reconnecting one's soul to the Divine. As this card represents hope, it also teaches patience.
The main focus for this month is how to embrace the feeling of patience.
The Tarot card for February is the Moon. This card can also be referred to as Intuition. It is associated with the planet Neptune, the element water, and Pisces in the zodiac.
From an astrological perspective, this is associated with the constellations Canis major and Canis minor.
The Moon represents the unconscious, illusion, deception, and confusion. This indicates that things are not as they seem.
The main focus for this month is to face our shadow side; our deepest fears and desires have to be brought to light so that we prepare for healing.
The Tarot card for March is the Emperor.
This card is also referred to as The Father or Patriarch in other tarot decks. It is associated with the planet Mars, the element of fire, and Aries in the zodiac.
From an astrological perspective, this is associated with the constellation of Corona Borealis.
The Emperor represents masculine power, structure, rules, and stability. This tarot card is about self-control and discipline.
The main focus for this month is on how we learn to take control of our lives and follow a structured approach to achieve our goals
This month's Tarot card is The Hierophant. This is sometimes called the Pope or the Druid in most tarot decks. The Hierophant symbolizes the planet Venus, the element Earth, and the zodiac sign Taurus.
From an astrological perspective, this is associated with the constellation of Aries.
The Hierophant is the brother card to the High Priestess; she is the female energy to his male energy.
The main focus for this month is on turning towards traditional ways of accomplishing your goals and going back to the roots. The emphasis will be on tradition as a way of life.
The Tarot Card for May is The Lovers. This card is sometimes called the Twins. This symbolizes the planet Mercury, the element Air, the zodiac sign of Gemini, and the archangel Raphael whose name means “It is God who heals.”
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Sagittarius constellation.
The Lovers represent the union, higher self, love and romance.
The main focus for this month is on looking at the most important and hardest choices in life and not just in love. Choosing a career, friends or partners can have a major impact on our lives and can change our destiny. Re-assess your connections and see if they still align with your purpose.
The Tarot Card for June is the Chariot.
This card symbolizes the Moon, the element Earth, the Zodiac sign of Cancer, and associated with the archangel Gabriel whose name means “God is my Strength.”
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Ursa Major constellation.
The Chariot represents concentration, racing, travel.
The main focus for this month is to harness your willpower to achieve what you want. This means that you need to cut out all the distractions and follow your goals diligently.
The Tarot Card for July is Strength. This card symbolizes the Sun, the element Fire, and the Leo zodiac sign.
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Leo constellation.
Strength represents patience, courage, determination, control, internal peace, and balancing oneself by conquering our animalistic nature.
This month's focus will be on the importance of mind over matter. You can show your resilience in front of adversity and work on how to approach those difficult moments.
The Tarot card for this month is The Hermit. This card symbolizes the planet Mercury, the element Earth, the zodiac sign of Virgo.
All the arcanas have found a place in the sky except for the Hermit who can only be linked to the Herdsman. There is no constellation as this card is often linked with a God instead (Cronos) Father of time.
The Hermit represents meditation, introspection, wisdom, awareness, solitude, illumination, and spiritual enlightenment.
This month's focus will be on the importance of looking deep within ourselves. Finding our purpose and meaning so that we can feel content with our higher selves desires.
The Tarot card for September is Justice. This card is associated with the planet Venus, the element Air, the Zodiac sign of Libra.
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Libra constellation.
Justice represents courage, fairness, cause and effect, karma, balance and equilibrium.
This month's purpose will be to pay attention to how your faith is being tested. Your morality comes into focus and you have to make sure your conscience remains clear.
The Tarot Card for October is Death.
This card is one of the most feared cards in a tarot deck, and one of the most misunderstood.
From an astrological point of view, this card is associated with the constellation of Draco (Dragon of the Pole)
Many believe this card indicates physical death, but it merely represents change, transition, transformation, new beginnings, and metamorphosis.
This month's purpose is to say good-bye to your old self and leave your bad habits behind. Try and break a bad habit this month and bring yourself closer to your true calling.
The Tarot Card for November is Temperance. This card is also referred to as Art or Equilibrium.
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Aquarius constellation.
Temperance represents balance, moderation, patience, and peace. Temperance reminds us that harmony comes from the union of dualities.
This month's purpose is to find balance in our lives. The knowledge that we and the Divine are one, blesses us with the state of Temperance. Accept this and create your peaceful space in a world full of chaos.
The Tarot Card for December is the Devil.
This card is associated with the planet Saturn, the element of Earth, and the zodiac sign of Capricorn. While the Western world is familiar with the term "devil" as the adversary and fallen angel who rebelled against God and leads the damned, but as with all Tarot, the Devil's imagery is symbolic, not literal.
From an astrological point of view, this is associated with the Capricorn constellation.
This card represents the temptation and seduction of the material world and physical pleasures and desires.
This month's purpose is to find time to do a spiritual cleansing. Be honest with yourself and admit your shortcomings so that you can overcome any addictions that hold you back.
For more magical content keep an eye on this page, as more tips and astro-cartography workshops are coming.
Blessed be.